
final and after final

i guess it is kind of irresponsible to leave the blog abundant that long...

good news! i graduated 2 weeks ago...
this is boards i made for the final presentation, it done by almost two months ago,,, each of them were printed in 800 mm x 800 mm size, it was nice to see them on the wall... i produced a little book after that, writing does help me a lot to get idea clear.
hmmm, i will continue update other things i did for this thesis,,, as i hate story is not complete.



 this image can help me explain cut-up method.

i sam till studying how to do rendering , hope it can get better and better and better...



here a little introduction of the thesis. images is coming, and model is coming as well, and i am not call this project a park anymore.

this thesis is a practice of paranoid rejection of commercialism. Presuming that the fewer designers do the less capital forces seduce people’s mind, I pursued mythology of designing uselessness. In another word, I studied how to make without production, develop without progression, and format without expression. As a strategy, I indulged decision making during design drift with random thinking. Here, irrationality be used as trigger of creativity and  “coding machine” to cancel designer’s ideology. Through works with a contemporary metropolitan reforming topic, this thesis is more in aim at exploring design method than solving existing problem. I call the design method I came up as cut-up (a term I borrowed from literature). 

Now this thesis came to its end, I got strong faith about two things:

Firstly, cut-up as a method it make possible that design fall into the infinity reflection of itself. Whether good or not, it results a design loses the ability to convey any comprehendible idea but only speaks only about itself.
Second thing: a design could be started with irrational goals or driven by random goals during its formation. But design still a practice can’t carry out without a thoughtful plan. 



i suppose to do drawing this week~~, but i am still designing. i redefined design of four prototypes of beam.now, the structure is clearer, and i feel more confident when i told people that each prototype beam works in a different way( rocky, planting,  watery, grassy).



this huge rug on Mytle-Broadway were supposed for the train, but now, it is totally useless. 
Elliott thought the park(of uselessness) could go on to these rugs. a tempting idea!   

the scale of this rug is similar to my proposal. ( it feel not bed to walk under it actually) and the engineers of it definitely did a reasonable but beautiful job.

when i took pictures, some kids asked me what i were doing, i told them the idea of the park, they didn't look interested. 


midterm review

pages for the midterm presentation.
preparation of midterm review is like a process become a nuts. i fell i need a lot of discussions with people now.
things i found i need to think about more.  thanks for the juries and everybody!
1. how irrationality related to uselessness.
2. how uselessness attack commercialized/ normalized( standardized) society. 
3. what exactly is irrational metrology of design. how to value a irrational design. 

the good thing about irrational thinking is it is personal, sentimental, intuitive and could be   
creative. but architecture is never about one individual, how to use this kind of thinking take care of other people's need is really a tricky question. it is embarrassing to commit that my design is to serve my desire,,, i am not that egocentric. 



introduction ( plain edition! )

a. beside all the uselessness what does the park do:1. introduce nature wildness to the dense city ( so i am gonna grow something on the park).
2. provide an alternative walking experience ( slower pace, different view) in the city.

b. park's ambition: ( which make this park different with highline)
1. criticism consumerism, show uselessness is birth-land of Marvelous.  

c. my ambition:
by peel off functional agenda of architecture, experiment irrational design metrology.