

here a little introduction of the thesis. images is coming, and model is coming as well, and i am not call this project a park anymore.

this thesis is a practice of paranoid rejection of commercialism. Presuming that the fewer designers do the less capital forces seduce people’s mind, I pursued mythology of designing uselessness. In another word, I studied how to make without production, develop without progression, and format without expression. As a strategy, I indulged decision making during design drift with random thinking. Here, irrationality be used as trigger of creativity and  “coding machine” to cancel designer’s ideology. Through works with a contemporary metropolitan reforming topic, this thesis is more in aim at exploring design method than solving existing problem. I call the design method I came up as cut-up (a term I borrowed from literature). 

Now this thesis came to its end, I got strong faith about two things:

Firstly, cut-up as a method it make possible that design fall into the infinity reflection of itself. Whether good or not, it results a design loses the ability to convey any comprehendible idea but only speaks only about itself.
Second thing: a design could be started with irrational goals or driven by random goals during its formation. But design still a practice can’t carry out without a thoughtful plan. 



i suppose to do drawing this week~~, but i am still designing. i redefined design of four prototypes of beam.now, the structure is clearer, and i feel more confident when i told people that each prototype beam works in a different way( rocky, planting,  watery, grassy).